
Church History

Lighthouse Fellowship Baptist Church is made up of a group of Christian people who formed a new congregation for worship under the leadership of Rev. Michael Liew.

The church had its first meetings September 11 and 18th, 1994 at the Elgin Market Public School. The first years of the church were filled with excitement and relocation. The church met in four different locations during its first four years. Finally after six years, on August 20, 2000 they moved into their own building located at 83 Mahood-Johnston Drive.

The founding Pastor, Rev. Michael Liew served at the church for three years, resigning and leaving at the end of 1997. The church enjoyed the ministry of interim Pastor Dr. Don Launstein for six months before calling Rev. Tim Auld as the church's second full-time pastor.
It was under Pastor Auld's ministry that the church built its first building. Pastor Auld resigned in 2003 after serving for five years.

The church once again had an interim Pastor come to fill in while they searched for a new pastor. Rev. Eric Watson served at the church for eight months before being called to be the church's' third full-time Pastor.
Pastor Watson has served at the church for 10 years as the Senior Pastor.  Pastor Eric retired from LFBC September 28, 2014. 

Pastor Steve Gordon who was the associate Pastor for four years has now become our full-time Pastor.

Upcoming Events

Friendship Group
Tue Dec 10 @ 7:00PM - 8:30PM
Youth Group
Wed Dec 11 @ 6:30PM - 8:30PM
Prayer Meeting
Wed Dec 11 @ 7:00PM - 8:00PM
Lightkeepers Lunch at Pebbles
Thu Dec 12 @11:00AM - 2:00PM
Sunday School for all ages
Sun Dec 15 @ 9:30AM - 10:15AM
Morning Worship
Sun Dec 15 @10:30AM - 11:45AM
Evening Service
Sun Dec 15 @ 6:00PM - 7:00PM
Christmas Children Concert
Sun Dec 15 @ 6:00PM -

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