
Pastoral Team


I was born and raised on a farm just outside of Maxwell Ontario. I was born into a Christian home and learned about Christ from a young age. My family was very involved in the ministry at our home church, Rock Mills Fellowship Baptist Church in Flesherton, ON.
At the age of five after an AWANA club meeting I gave my heart to the Lord. At the age of ten I followed the Lords' leading and was baptized. I was very involved in the church while growing up serving with my family whenever we could.

Upon completing High School I enrolled in New Brunswick Bible Institute and completed their Bachelor of Theology program. It was during this time at Bible School that I met my wife Abby. We were married following graduation and served for two years at my home church as a Pastoral Intern. When the time came for the internship to be finished it was recommend by my church that I be ordained for the ministry. The ordination took place in May of 2010 and we began our ministry at Lighthouse in August of that same year. 
After coming to Lighthouse in 2010 I continued my education by taking courses through Baptist Bible Seminary in Clarks Summit PA. In May of 2014 I graduated with a Master of Ministry Degree. I have also completed a Masters of Arts in Biblical Counseling from Faith Bible Seminary in Lafayette IN. 
To contact Pastor Steve:
Call the church office at: (519) 396-3338



I was raised in an unbelieving broken home with my 3 older brothers and younger sister.  At the age of 16, I began reading the Bible. After 3 years I discovered I was a sinner heading to hell. I realized my need of Jesus to save me from my sins and came to believe in Him as my Saviour and Lord in 1979.  I would attend Tiverton Baptist Church for 35 years, 12 of which I was a bi-vocational youth pastor and 16 as a bi-vocational pastor.
I began attending Heritage Seminary in 2013 and completed my Master of Divinity in April 2022. I am retired from Bruce Power as a Mechanical Maintainer after 35 years of service.  I am married to my wife Louise and have a son, Jared who is married to Jill and a daughter Katie. I am a proud grandparent of 3. I love preaching, teaching, and counseling others in the Word of God.
I would love to meet you.
My name is Eric Watson and my wife's name is Judy.  The Lord has blessed us with four children, Aresia, Nathan (Wren), Erika, and Timothy (Vanje) and 5 granddaughters.  We graduated from Emmanuel Bible College in Kitchener and then I received a Master of Ministry from Pensacola Christian College. 

We thank the Lord for allowing us to serve at Temple Baptist Church in Cambridge and then Shoreline Baptist (formerly Port of Fellowship) in Port Elgin.  For approx. 10 yrs we served here at Lighthouse Fellowship in Kincardine.  The Lord has allowed us to serve on two mission boards, Gospel Mission of South America and Slavic Gospel Association. 
This has given us the opportunity to travel to Chile, Belarus, and Russia a number of times.  As well I serve as the Association Shepherd for our pastors of the Bluewater Association for the FEB Central. 


Upcoming Events

Morning Worship
Sun Jul 28 @10:30AM - 11:45AM
Evening Service
Sun Jul 28 @ 6:00PM - 7:00PM
Young Adults: Mini Golf & Icecream
Tue Jul 30 @ 6:00PM - 8:00PM
Prayer Meeting
Wed Jul 31 @ 7:00PM - 8:00PM
Morning Worship
Sun Aug 04 @10:30AM - 11:45AM
Prayer Meeting
Wed Aug 07 @ 7:00PM - 8:00PM
Morning Worship
Sun Aug 11 @10:30AM - 11:45AM
Evening Service
Sun Aug 11 @ 6:00PM - 7:00PM

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